

Friday, July 4, 2014

Past Week

I know lots of you are concerned and so I thought I would explain what has been going on the last week or so with me.

The day before Gage was born I met with an oncologist.  He seems like an awesome guy.  I trust him and what he thinks is the best treatment plan for me. 

I got one week to be with Gage and just try to focus on him.  He is my saving grace and stress reliever.  I need him.

Last Friday I met with the surgeon who preformed the biopsy and will be putting in my portacath or port so I can receive the chemo treatments.

Monday I met with a nurse at the cancer center who walked me through the chemo treatments, the drugs and the side effects, basically Chemo 101.

Tuesday I had a MRI to see if the cancer had spread anywhere else.

Wednesday was hardest day so far.  It was the surgery to place the port.  It went well, I am just very sore.  The incisions and the device itself hurt.

Thursday I had some blood work done, a meeting with the oncologist again and a MUGA scan.  The scan is to get a baseline of how my heart is functioning before they start chemo.  The doctor finally gave me some good news - it doesn't look like the cancer has spread anywhere else! 

Today.  So glad it is a holiday and everyone is closed or I am sure I would have had an appointment for something.  Happy to be with family and focus on them over the weekend.  Monday is the big day - first round of chemo.

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