

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Sorry for the slow update.  The first few days after chemo didn't seem to bad, but over the weekend and Monday they got worse.  I called the nurse and told her what had been going on and they got me some new meds that are working much better.  Basically I had severe stomach pains which every time I ate made it worse.  A side effect of the treatment, to much acid.  Pretty much everything starting at my mouth down my whole digestive track was effected.  Hopefully it is under control now.  I had my smaller treatment on Monday so 2 DOWN 16 to go!


  1. Thank you for creating this blog. I am thankful to hear about the journey thus far. I can't believe it took me so long to find out. You were on my mind in June a lot and I couldn't figure out why. Guess I should have called. This will teach me. Here and present now. Better late than never. Here for you anytime! Day or night! Loves!

  2. Thanks for creating this blog. I have been wondering how you're doing but I'm not sure if you wanted everyone calling you every five minutes for updates! Just know that we're praying for you and I would be happy to come down and help with anything you need!! Please, please don't be afraid to ask if you need something. Love you guys!
