

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Not What I Was Hoping For

My thyroid ultrasound was Monday.
The "finding" was posted to my Health Portal at 5:23pm, that day.
I can't get a hold of the new doctor that ordered it.
I have left multiple messages.
Finally I called my oncologist to see if he would pull up the results and explain them to me.
It was not what I was hoping for.
I was hoping the ultrasound wouldn't find anything more than just the nodule and they would say it looks fine and to have it checked again in a year.
That is what the doctor said he hoped for too.
Instead the results say:

This thyroid nodule would meet sonographic criteria established
by the American Thyroid Association * for further evaluation by
FNA. Depending on the presence or absence of risk factors and
clinical assessment, either ultrasound follow up or more
aggressive evaluation of smaller nodules may also be

So now, I need a FNA - Fine-needle aspiration biopsy.

When can freak-out mode begin?
I hope this is not the beginning of how the rest of my life will be.
Just starting to find some normalcy and then get blind-sided, like before.
I understand they are just doing this to be on the cautious side.
But it is still freaking me out.

The waiting continues -
Wait for the call to make the appointment.
Wait for the day of the biopsy.
Wait for the results.
I am not sure I am prepared to handle this.

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