

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Busy Being Sick

So the last few weeks have been all sorts of busy!

A cold that lasted 2 weeks or more for each of us has finally made its way through the entire family.
Collectively we have been sick since January.

Alyssa and Gage seemed to be the only ones who didn't get anything else on the side.
I got a sinus infection that caused severe headaches.
Kaden got a double ear infection.
Abby's acid reflex got aggravated so much that her doctors ordered an
Upper GI test just to make sure nothing else was going on.
And poor Ryan is still coughing.
For the most part we are all on the mend.

Since our deductible is now met for the year, I decided to go see some specialists.

Up first was a foot doctor.
My right foot has been hurting for about a month and I kept thinking it would go away.
Feels like walking on glass.
Diagnoses - I have plantar fasciitis - or  inflammation of a thick band of tissue in the heel.
I had an ultrasound on my foot – that was kinda weird.
The doctor said the tendon should measure about a 3, mine was at an 8.5.
Extremely inflamed.
Solution - a very painful shot of steroids in my heel.
So far, aside from the pain of the shot for the first few day after, it feels tons better.

Next were a few visits to the chiropractor to see if he could help with
the mysterious and ongoing neck pain and headaches.
I am usually more in pain after I leave his office but then the next day if feels considerably better.

Then I somehow chipped a tooth - one of my back molars.
I had a temporary crown for a few weeks, and now I have my permanent porcelain one.
It has hurt to chew but slowly I am getting used to it and it is starting to feel normal.

And last was an ear, nose and throat doctor.
I am almost a year and a half out from chemo treatments, yet my nose and throat still hurt.
He gave me a prescription and some over the counter things to try. So we will see.


during the examine he felt something suspicious on my thyroid.
I need to go have some blood work done and see yet another doctor who can do an ultrasound.
Possibly need to do a biopsy.
He said most of the time theses nodules are benign.
I am pretty sure I have heard that before.
Then he asked it thyroid cancer runs in my family.
Ha, nope.
But neither does breast cancer.

And so the waiting game begins again.
Wait for the doctor’s office to call to set up the appointment.
Wait for the day of the appointment.
Wait for the results.
Wait for my doctor to call me back with the results.

I hate this waiting game.

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