

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

In the Clear

So if you didn't see my Facebook post a while ago -
The MRI came back all clear.
(The waiting just about killed me though.)

They found no visible signs of cancer.
They did see a little disk degeneration in my neck
and sinusitis (a sinus infection),
so I got another prescription to take,
but no real reason as to why I am having these constant headaches.

I see my oncologist in a month and we will talk about further options then.
I am guessing he will offer me another medication,
which I will decline.
Or maybe I will get it filled just to have on hand when they get really bad.

Other than that, life continues.

Gage is getting so big and into everything.
He acts like he doesn't hear the word "no".
Alyssa is loving school and dance.
She is starting to get a little attitude.
Kaden is the best kid.
Such a great helper.
Abby is getting very independent.
I can't wait until she can babysit!
Ryan is working hard as always.
Just finished the Parade of Homes.
Hoping to see him at our home a little more now.

Spring is almost here and I am not ready for the summer.
I actually love the winters here.
Here's to hoping for a vacation soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The Price of Peace of Mind

It's nothing.
It will go away.
I am fine.

Well, maybe it could be something.
What if it is?
What if it's bad...

These thoughts run through my head all the time.
If get an ache or pain or headache.

A headache that lasts for weeks.
One that will not go away.

I want to remain positive and hope that it is nothing.
But I also know the reality and statistics of my type of cancer returning.
I really don't want to be blind-sided again.

So today I went in for a MRI of my head and neck.
I really don't like MRI's.
The contrast as it is injected hurts,
the machine is beyond loud,
and laying completely still in a metal tube is claustrophobic.

Should I be worried that after I told my doctor my symptoms, he put a rush status on it? 
I needed to be seen within 2 days!
The poor techs had to give up their lunch because they were booked and
noon was the only time it could be done.

Answers will be nice.  Although I am not sure I really want to hear what they are.
The doctor should call me before close of business tomorrow.
Or I can call on Thursday.

So much for my New Year's resolution.
I was hoping to not meet our high deductible again this year.
I guess that is what peace of mind is worth.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Something For Me

Just a little present I bought for myself.

Four hand-stamped silver bracelets.
  ♥ Fighting For My Family♥
  ; my story isn't over yet
  ~ Don't look back, you're not going that way~

I really like looking down at them.
Simple, yet they make me smile.