

Thursday, December 17, 2015

For A While

A week ago I had another surgery.
Or maybe it is called a procedure.
I am not sure of the difference.
It was in-out patient.
Surgery lasted about an hour or so.
I got to the hospital about 10:30am and was released and home by 4pm.
As far as surgeries go, the first 24 hours wasn't too bad.
Over the next few days it got worse.
But today it seems to be getting a little better.
I needed to stop taking the pain meds after a few days,
because I can not drive while taking,
and come Monday I had to get back to my regular routine.
Taking the kids to school, dance classes,
grocery shopping and errand running.

I had fat grafting done.
It was a year ago that I had my mastectomy.
I didn't have clean margins after the surgery
so that is why I had to have the second one.
During that surgery the doctors had to remove
more skin, tissue and scrape the muscle in hopes
of getting the clean margins.
The second time was a success.
But it left me with a concave chest and my ribs sticking out.
At first if was fine, but as I am slowing getting some feeling
and sensation back -
it is painful.

So my surgeon suggested that he could do some fat grafting, to help with the pain.
Kind of a temporary fix until I am ready for reconstruction.
They remove fat from either the thighs or stomach and inject it back into other places.
I opted for my thighs, because I am saving my stomach area for reconstruction.
I have eight small incision marks.
Two on each thigh and four on my chest.
I am bruised - very bruised.
From my hips to almost my knees and half my chest.
Lots of colors - black, purple, blue, green and yellow.

I realize it is only a week since the surgery and I am still very swollen and sore,
but I am not sure it was totally worth it.
I hope in a few weeks, when I feel better, I will think otherwise.
And just for reference sake, I would rather recovery from a hysterectomy than this procedure.

So I am done for a while.
I am excited about no hospital stays, no bandages and wound care and no recovery times where I can't pick up Gage!
Nothing scheduled in 2016 - except for the routine check-ups, scans, and doctor appointments.
Then in 2017 I will start the big reconstruction process!

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