

Friday, June 17, 2022

Another Year!

Another year!

Another birthday celebrated!

Another diagnoses anniversary!

Another whole year!

8 years.

My baby is turning eight which in-turn marks the 8th year from my cancer diagnoses.

Most days I don't think about "it" anymore, but sometimes something inside me gets triggered and a type of depression and sadness overcomes me.  Usually, it only lasts for a few days.

Most days are just busy - kids and work life.

My oldest turned 16, got a drivers license and bought a car. This new phase of life is scary.  I definitely worry more about sending my child out into the world than I do about cancer.  Actually, I worry about both.  I do a lot of worrying.

I had my annual oncology appointment this week.  

I adore my oncologist and it strangely brings me peace of mind when I get to see him.  It didn't always feel that way.

The good news - my blood work looked great and the doctor was proud of the weight I have lost since my last visit. 

The not so good news - the chemo, hysterectomy and the medication I still take have is weakening my bones.  He is suggesting more meds.  Ugg.  

Other events have happened over this year, but I feel like that is for another time.

As far as things in the cancer world - all is well and life continues to move forward.