

Thursday, January 17, 2019

It's Great

I am still here.
Still adjusting to this new life - AC - after cancer.

Thanksgiving was great.
Christmas was lots of fun.
But to be honest I am a little relieved they are over.
I try to kept the holidays simple, but I get excited and go overboard.
I create my own stress.
I need to stop that,
or at least lessen it.
If you know the secret, please share it.

I have been feeling this anxiety for the last few months.
(Not related to the holidays)
I am sure if you ask my family, a bit more on edge and ornery.
I knew I had a doctor's appointment coming up in January.
I had no reason for worry or concern.
But yet negative thoughts lingered in the back of my mind.
Last week I had to go have blood drawn for multiple tests my oncologist wanted to run.
Numbers to check & levels to monitor.
Basically more things for me to stress over and worry about.

I adore my oncologist.  I obviously trust him with my life.
So, yesterday when he walked in the exam room with a smile on his face,
a huge weight that I had been carrying around was lifted.

I had a list of questions and concerns I wanted to address.
He was super patient and took his time explaining everything, as always.

We talked about the results of my blood test.  
Red and White blood counts right on.
Kidney function great.
Thyroid good.
Cholesterol back where it should be.  
(When I first starting taking my medication, it did crazy things to my cholesterol.)
Plus about 6 dozen other items I am not even sure what they are, 
but the bottom line was everything looks great!

We talked about the new studies that show the oral medication I am on, 
called an Aromatase Inhibitor or AI.
It shows it IS beneficial to be on it for 10 years, not the debated 5 years.
So only 6 1/2 more years to go!

We talked about the targeted chemotherapy drug recently approved, Nerlynx.
He explained that even if it was available at the time I was diagnosed, he would not have changed my  treatment plan.  Another sigh of relief knowing I was fortunate enough to have gotten the best and most medically advanced drugs for my treatment.

We talked about upcoming tests and how often I need to do them.
No more MUGA tests, for my heart.  
No more Mammograms or Breast MRI's since I don't have any more breast tissue.
No more Ultrasounds on for the nodule on my thyroid - it has been stable and hasn't changed in size for the last few checks.
I will need a DEXA scan every two years to monitor my bones.  Without estrogen I am very prone to bone density loss and osteoporosis. Next one is in December.
Blood work will need to be done annually. Done for another year.
And eventually in a few years - a colonoscopy. Yippee.

So what's up next?
I have an appointment in June. 
That's it.  
It is a strange, but good feeling.
Gonna try to keep my anxiety in check and not worry so much.
And in the words of my doctor, "Everything looks great, just keep doing whatever you are doing!"